sentire conjugation

Sentire Conjugation, Meaning and Usage Examples

Sentire Meaning: 

  • To feel (emotion or perception)

Sentire Can Also Mean

  • To taste
  • To smell
  • To hear
  • To listen

If you’re looking for a definite definition of sentire in English, it’s going to be very difficult to find one. Sentire is a very particular word that Italians use often, and it can have meanings far outside of the ones above.

Sentire is a regular -ire verb, which means that it follows the normal pattern of conjugation.

Italian Sentire Conjugation

Sentire Presente Conjugation:

ioSentoI feel
tuSentiYou feel
lui/leiSenteHe/she feels
noiSentiamoWe feel
voiSentiteYou all feel
loroSentonoThey feel

Sentire Presente Examples

  1. Sento queste voci = I hear these voices
  2. Ti senti bene? = Do you feel okay?
  3. Ci sentiamo domani! = We will talk tomorrow.

Sentire Passato Prossimo Conjugation

ioHo sentitoI felt/heard
tuHai sentitoYou felt/heard
lui/leiHa sentitoHe/she felt/heard
noiAbbiamo sentitoWe felt/heard
voiAvete sentitoYou all felt/heard
loroHanno sentitoThey felt/heard

Sentire Passato Prossimo Examples

  1. Ho sentito un rumore strano = I heard a strange noise.
  2. Avete sentito le notizie? = Did you hear the news?
  3. Hai sentito la nuova canzone di Rihanna? = Did you hear Rihanna’s new song?

Sentire Futuro Semplice Conjugation:

ioSentiròI will feel/hear
tuSentiraiYou will feel/hear
lui/leiSentiràHe/she will feel/hear
noiSentiremoWe will feel/hear
voiSentireteYou all will feel/hear
loroSentirannoThey will feel/hear

Sentire Futuro Semplice Examples

  1. Sentirai la mia canzone preferita = You will hear favorite song.
  2. Sei sicuro che si sentirà meglio domani? = Are you sure he’ll feel better tomorrow?
  3. I cani sentiranno la tua voce e piangeranno = The dogs will hear your voice and cry.

Sentire Imperfetto Conjugation:

ioSentivoI felt/heard
tuSentiviYou felt/heard
lui/leiSentivaHe/she felt/heard
noiSentivamoWe felt/heard
voiSentivateYou all felt/heard
loroSentivanoThey felt/heard

Note: This tense is used when something happened frequently or at the same time as another event. For example, “Mi sentivo male,” means I was feeling sick.

Sentire Imperfetto Examples

  1. Mi sentivo esattamente come te = I felt exactly like you
  2. Sentivano che mancava qualcosa = They felt like something was missing

If you want to master Italian, you need to learn each sentire conjugation and truly master this word. 

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