salire italian definition

Salire Italian Definition, Conjugation and Usage Examples

Salire Definition:

  • To climb or go/come up

Salire Can Also Mean

  • To rise (increase)

Note: Salire is an irregular -ire verb, so it’s very important to memorize the io and loro forms in the present tense.

Salire Italian Conjugation

Salire Presente Conjugation:

ioSalgoI climb/go up
tuSaliYou climb/go up
lui/leiSaleHe/she climb/go up
noiSaliamoWe climb/go up
voiSaliteYou all climb/go up
loroSalgonoThey climb/go up

Salire Presente Examples

  1. Salire in macchina = To get in the car
  2. Sali in macchina e parti per la settimana = Get in the car and leave for the week
  3. Salgo le scale = I climb the stairs

Salire Passato Prossimo Conjugation

ioHo SalitoI climbed/went up
tuHai SalitoYou climbed/went up
lui/leiHa SalitoHe/she climbed/went up
noiAbbiamo SalitoWe climbed/went up
voiAvete SalitoYou all climbed/went up
loroHanno SalitoThey climbed/went up

Salire Passato Prossimo Examples

  1. Luigi ha salito la montagna = Luigi climbed the mountain
  2. Abbiamo salito le scale = We went up the stairs
  3. Se sei salito a bordo del treno sbagliato = If you boarded the wrong train

Salire Futuro Semplice Conjugation:

ioSaliròI will climb/go up
tuSaliraiYou will climb/go up
lui/leiSaliràHe/she will climb/go up
noiSaliremoWe will climb/go up
voiSalireteYou all will climb/go up
loroSalirannoThey will climb/go up

Salire Futuro Semplice Examples

  1. Domani salirò su un aereo = Tomorrow I will board an aeroplane or I’m getting on a plane tomorrow
  2. Mentre il sole salirà alle spalle le montagne  = While the sun will rise behind the mountains
  3. Tu salirai sul mare = You will go up to the sea

Salire Imperfetto Conjugation:

ioSalivoI climbed/went up
tuSaliviYou climbed/went up
lui/leiSalivaHe/she climbed/went up
noiSalivamoWe climbed/went up
voiSalivateYou all climbed/went up
loroSalivanoThey climbed/went up

Salire Imperfetto Examples

  1. Tu salivi sempre sugli alberi = You used to always climb the trees
  2. Nonna saliva le scale = Granda used to climb the stairs
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