italian venire definition

Italian Venire Definition, Conjugation and Usage Examples

Venire Definition: 

  • To come, arrive

Venire Can Also Mean

  • Originate/come from 
  • Comes out/turns out
  • Occur/happen

Note: Venire is an irregular -ire verb, so you’ll need to memorize the conjugation on your own.

Italian Venire Conjugation

Venire Presente Conjugation:

ioVengoI come
tuVieniYou come
lui/leiVieneHe/she comees
noiVeniamoWe come
voiVeniteYou come (plural)
loroVengonoThey come

Venire Presente Examples

  1. Chi viene con me? =  Who is coming with me?
  2. Da dove vieni? = Where do you come from?
  3. Vengo!  = I am coming.

Venire Passato Prossimo Conjugation

ioSono venutoI came
tuSei venutoYou came
lui/leiÈ venutoHe/she came
noiSiamo venutiWe came
voiSiete venutiYou came (plural)
loroSono venutiThey came (plural)

Venire Passato Prossimo Examples

  1. Dio è venuto ad abitare tra le montagne = God has come to live in the mountains.
  2. Mi è venuto in mente questo momento = This moment came to my mind
  3. Sei venuto dal mio lato del letto – You came to my side of the bed

Venire Futuro Semplice Conjugation:

ioVerròI’ll come
tuVerraiYou’ll come
lui/leiVerràHe/she will come
noiVerremoWe’ll come
voiVerreteYou’ll come (plural)
loroVerrannoThey’ll come

Venire Futuro Semplice Examples

  1. Verrò solo per te = I’ll come only for you
  2. Verranno per la torta = They will come for the cake
  3. Verremo alle sei di mattina = We’ll come at 6 in the morning

Venire Imperfetto Conjugation:

ioVenivoI came
tuVeniviYou came
lui/leiVenivaHe/she came
noiVenivamoWe came
voiVenivateYou came (plural)
loroVenivanoThey came

Note: The Imprefetto is used when indicating something that was happening at the same time as something else was happening or to be used when you did something in the past often.

Let’s take a look at a few examples of what we mean.

Venire Imperfetto Examples

  1. Quando tu venivi a casa mia = when you came to my house (which was something that occurred often, such as when you used to go to your best friend’s house often)
  2. Che venivano ogni giorni in gita, al museo = they came every day on a trip to the museum

Now that you know the venire definition – and there are a few – you can begin using this very important word in your Italian sentences. Keep in mind that there are many other ways to conjugate venire, but the four conjugations above are a great starting point.

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