coniugazione verbo agire

Agire: Meaning, Coniugazione Verbo Agire and Examples

Agire Definition:

To act, to take action

Agire Can Also Mean

  • To behave
  • To operate

Agire is an interesting verb to learn because it is often used in daily life but is difficult to master. 


It’s an irregular verb that works in the same manner as capire. For example, this word means to “act” or behave, and if you wanted to say “I act,” you would conjugate the verb as Agisco. Notice the difference with this verb. With regular verbs, you would drop the ire and add o, but since this word is just two letters without the -ire attached, it will follow an irregular pattern.

Let’s begin with the coniugazione verbo agire in the presente.

Italian Agire Conjugation

Agire Presente Conjugation:

ioAgiscoI act
tuAgisciYou act
lui/leiAgisceHe/she acts
noiAgiamoWe act
voiAgiteYou act (plural)
loroAgisconoThey act

Agire Presente Examples

  1. A volte agisco come un’adulta – Sometimes I act like an adult
  2. Se non agiamo subito, le nuove generazioni… – If we do not act quickly, the new generation…
  3. E non agiscono senza consenso – And they don’t act without consent

Agire Passato Prossimo Conjugation

ioHo agitoI acted
tuHai agitoYou acted
lui/leiHa agitoHe/she acted
noiAbbiamo agitoWe acted
voiAvete agitoYou acted
loroHanno agitoThey acted

Agire Passato Prossimo Examples

  1. Ho agito da solo – I acted alone.
  2. Hai agito alle mie spalle – You went (acted) behind my back.
  3. Avete agito in fretta – You acted quickly.

Agire Futuro Semplice Conjugation:

ioAgiròI will act
tuAgiraiYou will act
lui/leiAgiràHe/she will act
noiAgiremoWe will act
voiAgireteYou will act (plural)
loroAgirannoThey will act

Agire Futuro Semplice Examples

  1. Non agirò mai più impulsivamente – I will never act impulsively again.
  2. E agirai di conseguenza – And you will act accordingly.
  3. Queste agiranno in un simile modo – These will act (behave/operate) in a similar way.

Agire Imperfetto Conjugation:

ioAgivoI had acted
tuAgiviYou had acted
lui/leiAgivaHe/she had acted
noiAgivamoWe had acted
voiAgivateYou had acted (plural)
loroAgivanoThey had acted

Agire Imperfetto Examples

  1. Ho immaginato me stessa mentre agivo – I imagined myself while I had acted.
  2. Agivo in buona fede – I acted in good faith.
  3. Perché voi agivate per conto vostro al governo? – Why were you acting on your behalf to the government?
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