Offrire conjugation

Offrire Conjugation in Italian, Definition and Usage Examples

Offrire Definition:

  • To offer 

Offrire Can Also Mean

  • To bid
  • To present itself, or arise

Offrire is a regular ire verb, so it follows the usual conjugation pattern. It’s common for Italians to say “offro io” (or “it’s on me”) when picking up the tab for a coffee or meal for friends or family. It’s a sign of affection, gratitude and respect. Learning how to conjugate offrire will allow you to return the favor and learn how to incorporate this verb into your conversations.

Offrire Conjugation in Italian

Offrire Presente Conjugation:

ioOffroI offer
tuOffriYou offer
lui/leiOffreHe/she/it/formal offers
noiOffriamoWe offer
voiOffriteYou all offer
loroOffronoThey offer

Offrire Presente Examples

  1. Ti offro una fetta di torta = I offer you a slice of cake
  2. Offriamo il nostro aiuto = We offer our help
  3. Lei offre sempre un sorriso = she always offers a smile

Offrire Passato Prossimo Conjugation

ioHo OffertoI offered
tuHai OffertoYou offered
lui/leiHa OffertoHe/she/it/formal offered
noiAbbiamo OffertoWe offered
voiAvete OffertoYou all offered
loroHanno OffertoThey offered

Offrire Passato Prossimo Examples

  1. Hai offerto il tuo aiuto? = Have you offered your help?
  2. Hanno offerto di portarci in macchina. = They offered to give us a lift.
  3. Ha offerto di cucinare la cena stasera. = He offered to cook dinner tonight.

Offrire Futuro Semplice Conjugation:

ioOffriròI will offer
tuOffriraiYou will offer
lui/leiOffriràHe/she/it/formal will offer
noiOffriremoWe will offer
voiOffrireteYou all will offer
loroOffrirannoThey will offer

Offrire Futuro Semplice Examples

  1. Offrirete dei regali ai vostri amici? = Will you all give gifts to your friends?
  2. Offriremo il nostro appoggio = We will offer our support
  3. Offrirà il suo aiuto = He will offer his help

Offrire Imperfetto Conjugation:

ioOffrivoI was offering
tuOffriviYou were offering
lui/leiOffrivaHe/she/it/formal was offering
noiOffrivamoWe were offering
voiOffrivateYou all were offering
loroOffrivanoThey were offering

Offrire Imperfetto Examples

  1. Loro offrivano sempre una mano = They always offered a helping hand
  2. Voi offrivate sempre la vostra compagnia = You all offered your company (presence)
  3. Mio nonno mi offriva sempre una fetta di torta = My grandfather always offered me a slice of cake
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